LCPCS is once again asking for help in collecting the Box Tops for Education labels that appear on so many items we purchase every day. It is such an easy way to raise money for the school!!
You can either clip out the label the old fashioned way (and bring your collection to the school office) or...
You can download the Box Top for Education app on your smartphone, and scan the receipt on which the item(s) appears. The schoolʻs reward will go directly to the school account.
Download the app here:
All products purchased from Office Max qualify!
If you clip your box top labels, here are a few hints to help make the process easier for Ms. Doying, who is the lucky person who gets to count and submit all those little pieces of cardboard!
1. Check the expiration dates on your Box Tops. If they're expired, don't send them to school, because expired Box Tops aren't accepted.
2. Box Tops don't have to be trimmed perfectly…but please don't send them with half the product package still attached! When it comes to Box Tops, snip 'em or rip 'em! Just make sure the expiration date (see #1) and full product code are both visible.
3. Send your Box Tops to school on one of these fun collection sheets
( or, if you can, send them to school in bundles of 50. This is really helpful, as this is how Box Tops must be submitted for processing. Don't have 50 Box Tops? If you're almost there, ask friends and family for a few extras to add in. Still coming up short? No problem! Just put your stragglers in a baggie and label it so I can tell how many are in there.
Thanks for helping to make our school's Box Tops program a success!