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Kaupe’a Virtual Learning

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Kaupeʻa Virtual Learning Program for School Year 2024-25

Kaupe`a is a Kindergarten through 8th-grade virtual learning program.
The Kaupeʻa Virtual Learning Program (Kaupe`a) serves students on Hawaiʻi island only

Open enrollment process CLOSED

Phase I: ENDED

Phase II: June 1 – July 29, 2024

Starting June 1, completed application packets received after Phase I will be held and waitlisted in the event of a secondary lottery. This will only occur if there are still grade-level seats available.

When an application is received during this phase, it will be reviewed and the family will be notified about the chances of a second lottery taking place.

Student Support Services under HIDOE: Online students MUST adhere
1. IDEA & Section 504: Specifically designed instruction, accommodations and/or related services for a Free and Appropriate Public Education is offered and provided on campus only.
2. ELL (English Language Learners): Students identified as English Language Learners are annually tested using the DOE-adopted WIDA English Language proficiency assessment on campus only
3. School & State Testing: NWEA (North Western Evaluation Association) and SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessments) are mandatory. Testing will be scheduled and administered online.

Kaupe’a Online Program: Mandatory Compliance

1. Weekly online SEL (Social Emotional Learning) check ins for attendance and credit
2. Reliable & consistent internet and computer access
3. Current contact information including phone number, email address, mailing address and physical address

Post-Acceptance Process

Once a student has been accepted to Kaupe’a, a series of intake steps must be completed, including a Geographic Exception Request for those living outside the Laupahoehoe catchment area, completion of school, state, and federal forms, and grade level course selection. 

Applications with fraudulent misrepresentation may be disqualified at any time.

Due dates for the intake steps will be provided, and families are expected to abide by them so that students are prepared to begin the new school year on schedule. 


Please email your questions to [email protected].