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January 24, 2017

Governing Board Meeting Agenda

1/24/17  LCPCS Band Room


  1. Call to Order

  2. Attendance/Introductions/Instructions/Aloha Etiquette

  3. Approve Agenda

  4. Public Comments on Agenda items

  5. Minute Review & Approval

    1. December 27 meeting minutes draft

  1. Financial Review & Approval

    1. Dec. 2016 Balance Sheet

    2. Dec. 2016 Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement

    3. Dec.  2016 P&L Detail

  1. Reports

  1. Students

  2. Families

  3. Staff

  4. Faculty

  5. Community/Hui Kāko‘o Non-Profit

  6. Director

  7. Committees:

i. Development

ii. Finance

iii. Governance

iv.   Personnel

8.   Chair/Executive Committee

  1. Unfinished Business

  1. Previously Addressed by the Board

  1. Board Candidate Review

  2. Kaupea - Amendment to Enrollment policy

  3. 17-18 Calendar (Gerry)

  4. Wellness policy (Gerry)

B. Not Addressed by the Board

  1. Kaupea - Harmony Contract

  1. New Business

  1. Signature Cards (Gerry)

  1. Executive Session

  1. Unfinished Business

    1. None

  1. New Business

    1. Legal Issues

    2. Personnel Matters

    3. Concerns

  1. Non Agenda Public Comments

  2. Secretary recap & Announcements

  1. Next Board Meetings

    1. January 24, 2017 Board Meeting

  2. School Events

    1. Please see calendar on lcpcs.org

  3. Assignment of tasks

  1. Adjourn