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Nov 24, 2015 - Board Mtg

Laupāhoehoe Community Public Charter School

Governing Board Meeting Agenda
click the link above for pdf of agenda

11/24/15  5:30 pm  LCPCS Rm 10

APPROVED Meeting Minutes (available after 12/22/15 mtg)    

I. Call to Order

II. Attendance

III. Approve Agenda

IV. Public Comments on Agenda items

V. Minute Review & Approval

1. September 22, 2015 Draft
2. October 27, 2015 Draft

VI. Financial Review & Approval

1. October 2015 Balance Sheet
2. October 2015 Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement
3. October 2015 P&L Detail

VII. Reports

  1. Students
  2. Families
  3. Staff
  4. Faculty
  5. Community/Hui Kāko‘o Non-Profit
  6. Director
  7. Committees:

    i.    Development

    ii.   Finance

    iii. Governance

    iv.   Personnel

VIII. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

IX. Unfinished Business

  1. None

X. New Business

  1. The Resignation of Richard Ha
  2. Student Representative and New Student Rep and Alternate
  3. 2015-16FY Budget Amendment   PDF
  4. Suspension and Expulsion Policy
  5. Interim Director Contract

    XI. Executive Session

    A. Unfinished Business

    1.       None

    B. New Business 

    1.      Legal Issues
    2.      Personnel Matters

    a.      New Hires
    b. Interim Director contract

    3.      Concerns

    XII. Secretary recap & Announcements

    1. Next Board Meetings

      1. Development Committee – 12/1/15, 6:00p, Rm 10
      2. Executive Board Agenda Setting – 12/8/15, 5:30p, Rm 10
        1.    12/7/15 - Proposals DUE 
      3. Personnel Committee – None scheduled
      4. Finance Committee – 12/8/15, 6:00p (after Exec), Rm 10
      5. Governance Committee – None scheduled
      6. Regular Monthly Board – 12/22/15, 5:30p, Rm 10

      2. State Charter School Commission Meetings & Deadlines

      1. check back soon!

      3. Upcoming School Events

      1. Please refer to the calendar at www.lcpcs.org

    4. Assignment of tasks

    XIII. Adjourn