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August 23, 2016

Governing Board Meeting Agenda

8/23/16  5:30 pm  LCPCS Band Room

  1. Call to Order

  2. Attendance

  3. Approve Agenda

  4. Public Comments on Agenda items

  5. Minute Review & Approval

    1. July 28, 2016 Meeting Minutes

    2. Financial Review & Approval

    1. July 2016 Balance Sheet

    2. July 2016 Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement

    3. July 2016 P&L Detail


    5. Reports

    1. Students

    2. Families

    3. Staff

    4. Faculty

    5. Community/Hui Kāko‘o Non-Profit

    6. Director

    7. Committees:

    i. Development

    ii. Finance

    iii. Governance

    iv.   Personnel

    8.   Chair/Executive Committee

    1. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

    1. Unfinished Business

    1. Board Candidate Review

    2. Common Language


    Governance (Don)


    1. New Business

    1. Performance Report Response  


    2.   Hiring Committee Process Recommendations


    3.  Accept New Student Representative


    4.  Kaupe’a Service Provider Assessment Policy & Procedures


    5.  Kaupe’a Attendance Policy


    6.  Committee Roster Approval



    1. Executive Session

    1. Unfinished Business

    1. None


    1. New Business

    1. Legal Issues

    1. Personnel Matters

      1. Interim Director

    1. Concerns


    1. Secretary recap & Announcements

    1. Next Board Meetings

      1. Development Committee – TBD

      2. Executive Board Agenda Setting – 9-13-16 5:30PM

        1. TBD - Proposals DUE 9-12-16

      3. Personnel Committee – None scheduled

      4. Finance Committee – 9-13-16 6PM

      5. Governance Committee – None scheduled

      6. Regular Monthly Board – TBD 9-27-16 5:30PM

    2. State Public Charter School Commission Meetings & Deadlines

      1. 8/15 -  FY 2015-2016 4th Quarter Financial Statement Report Due

      2. 8/25 - State Public Charter School Commission Committee Meetings

      3. 8/31 - ELL School Plan - Deadline to Submit

    3. Upcoming School Events

      1. Please refer to the calendar at www.lcpcs.org

    4. Assignment of tasks

    1. Adjourn