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Jan 26, 2016 - Board Mtg

Laupāhoehoe Community Public Charter School

Governing Board Meeting Agenda
click the link above for pdf of agenda

1/26/16  5:30 pm  LCPCS Rm 10

APPROVED Meeting Minutes (available after 2/23/16 mtg)    

I. Call to Order

II. Attendance

III. Approve Agenda

IV. Public Comments on Agenda items

V. Minute Review & Approval

1. December 22, 2015 Draft

VI. Financial Review & Approval

1. December 2015 Balance Sheet
2. December 2015 Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement
3. December 2015 P&L Detail

VII. Reports

  1. Students
  2. Families
  3. Staff
  4. Faculty
  5. Community/Hui Kāko‘o Non-Profit
  6. Director
  7. Committees:

    i.    Development

    ii.   Finance  Budget Vs Actual Report

    iii. Governance

    iv.   Personnel

  8. Chair/Executive Committee

VIII. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

IX. Unfinished Business

  1. None

X. New Business

  1. 2016-17SY School Calendar Approval [Tracy]

    XI. Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Discussion

    1. LCPCS Strategic Plan 2015-2020

    XII. Executive Session

    A. Unfinished Business

    1.   None       

    B. New Business 

    1.      Legal Issues
    2.      Personnel Matters

    3.      Concerns

    XIII. Secretary recap & Announcements

    1. Next Board Meetings

      1. Development Committee – 2/2/16, 6:00p, MPR
      2. Executive Board Agenda Setting – 2/9/16, 5:30p, Rm 10
        1.    2/8/16 - Proposals DUE 
      3. Personnel Committee – None scheduled
      4. Finance Committee – 2/9/16, 6:00p (after Exec), Rm 10
      5. Governance Committee – None scheduled
      6. Regular Monthly Board – 2/23/16, 5:30p, Rm 10

      2. State Charter School Commission Meetings & Deadlines

      1. 1/27 - Deadline to submit second full school year (FSY) count (2 of 3)
      2. 1/28 - Committee meetings
        1. Performance & Accountability, 10:30a
        2. Administration & Operations, 1:00p
      3. 2/1 - Deadline to submit Reporting of Crime-Related Incidents Policies and Procedures

      3. Upcoming School Events

      1. Please refer to the calendar at www.lcpcs.org

    4. Assignment of tasks

    XIV. Adjourn