"Back to School” LCPCS Blended/Distance Learning Teacher and Parent Meeting (10/29/2020)
Agenda for Teacher & Parent Meeting:
Recording of Teacher & Parent Meeting:
Google Classroom How-To Videos:
IXL How-To Video:
FAQ - Transition To Distance Learning
This video will answer FAQs that middle and high school students and parents may have about LCPCS’ transition to distance learning.
Laupahoehoe Train Museum opens Resilience Hub and Community Meal
Registration for the learning hub is from Sep 21- 25 at LTM or call 962-6300.
The Laupahoehoe Train Museum (LTM) opens the Laupahoehoe Resilience Hub at the site of the museum. Using monies awarded to the County of Hawaii via the CARES Act, the goal of the initiative is to provide COVID-19 emergency response programming to support
• community resilience and wellness programming,
• digital access and internet connectivity &
• food assistance while supporting the local community.
The operations schedule for the learning hub will be Monday – Friday with two time slots: 8:15AM to 11:30AM, and 12:00 – 3:15PM. The program runs from Sep 28 until Dec 18. The hub will provide computers and WIFI access for students in grades 3rd through 12th.
The hub provides internet access to complete school assignments. We also provide a variety of enrichment activities to supplement their virtual learning and allow students to socially interact while maintaining social distancing.
This initiative is not a school, but rather a space for keiki to have access to connectivity in order to complete their virtual learning. Hub personnel will be available to help keiki connect their device to the internet, but are not responsible for ensuring your keiki complete their assignments.
To provide a COVID safe environment, we are limiting the number of students within the center. All students must wear masks while in the center. Parents will be required to sign a liability release and must be available for student drop off and pick up.
The site has a very limited number of spots and only offer the morning or afternoon slots. Drop ins will be accepted as space permits, but priority will be for students attending on a daily basis.
Application may be submitted to the Laupahoehoe Train Museum and keiki will be admitted on an as available basis. Our procedures and times may change based on community need and virus conditions.
Community Meal – LTM is also providing a community meal on Wednesdays from 4:30PM - 6:00PM or until pau. Meals will be provided from Sep 23 until Dec 16. We will provide 3-person dinners prepared by a local restaurant and local produce take home bag. Meals will be available as a curbside pickup from the Laupahoehoe Civic Center (next to the post office). For safety and to avoid traffic, we request that you approach the pickup site from the mauka direction and not from the post office side.
For more information, please contact LTM at 962-6300.