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April 25, 2017

Governing Board Meeting Agenda

4/25/17  LCPCS Band Room


  1. Call to Order

  2. Attendance/Introductions/Instructions/Aloha Etiquette

  3. Approve Agenda

  4. Public Comments on Agenda items

  5. Minute Review & Approval

  1. March 28, 2017 Meeting Minutes

  1. Financial Review & Approval

  1. Jan. 2017 Balance Sheet

  2. Jan. 2017 Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement

  3. Feb. 2017 Balance Sheet

  4. Feb. 2017 Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement

  5. March 2017 Balance Sheet

  6. March 2017 P & L Statement

  1. Reports

  1. Students -

  2. Families -

  3. Staff -

  4. Faculty -

  5. Community / Hui Kāko‘o Non-Profit -

  6. Director - Including: Accreditation, evals, Kaupea contract, renovations, policies etc

  7. Committees:

i. Development -

ii. Finance - including financing feasibility, changes to title 1 line, changes to reporting

iii. Governance -

iv.   Personnel -

    8.    Chair/Executive Committee -  

  1. Unfinished Business

  1. Previously Addressed by the Board

  2. Items not Previously Addressed by the board

    1. APF Academic Targets -  admin

  1. New Business

    1. Governing Board Member Application - Governance

    2. Board Organizational Chart - Governance

    3. Consent Agenda - Governance

  2. Discussion Item - Budget 17-18 - Finance/Admin

  3. Discussion Item -Title 1 plan and CNA

  4. Discussion Item - Decision Making Template for Board Training -Governance

  5. Executive Session

  1. Unfinished Business

B.   New Business

    1. Legal Issues

    2. Personnel Matters

    3. Concerns

  1. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items

  2. Secretary recap & Announcements

  1. Next Board Meetings

    1. Agenda Setting - May 9, 2017, 5:30pm

    2. Finance Committee Mtg - May 9, 2017, 6:00pm (after Agenda Setting)

    3. Regular Monthly Board Meeting - May 23, 2017, 5:30pm

    4. Due Dates for commission

  2. School Events

    1. Please see calendar on lcpcs.org

  3. Assignment of tasks

  1. Adjourn