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Our Vision, Mission, & Values

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Vision Statement

Families, staff and community working together to graduate successful learners who are job, school, and life-ready.

Our vision places LCPCS at the heart of our community, a place where shared cultural and community values are transformed into action and everyone has a role to play in ensuring that students succeed, families are engaged, and teachers thrive. Students, parents, staff and community members envision the school as a place of high level achievement, family support, community engagement, and leadership development.

Our community school will be a place where:

  • the school culture supports continuous improvement
  • everyone believes all students can learn
  • instruction focuses on preparing students for their future
  • students make seamless transitions
  • supportive and successful relationships thrive
  • ·operations are effective, efficient, and transparent
  • decisions are evidence-based
  • individual responsibility and institutional accountability are the norm
  • parents and community members are welcome on campus and meaningfully involved in school governance and other activities

We envision a thriving school as the heart of the community: When children and adults alike are seen as works in progress, striving to learn and grow, the school becomes the center of daily life.

~ Adopted by the Governing Board 2/26/13


Mission Statement

Laupāhoehoe Community Public Charter School’s mission is to emphasize hands-on learning and academic success where every student is known, valued, and loved using community partnerships and resources while instilling traditional cultural values.

~ Revised and Adopted by the Governing Board 2/26/13

Our Values In Practice

‘O Hawai‘i ke kahua o ka ho‘ona‘auao.
Hawai‘i is the foundation of our learning.

On September 30, 2019, a group of twenty-one parents, students, and community members gathered to talk story about the phrase in the LCPCS mission statement, “…while instilling traditional cultural values.” Using the HĀ Framework of six learning outcomes, participants shared behaviors, competencies, and beliefs that exemplify each of the HĀ outcomes. The Governing Board will use this information to inform its mission, vision and values decisions going forward. The HĀ outcomes and indicators noted below will provide guidelines and expectations for student behavior and social-emotional learning throughout the school day.   
Read the rest of the Values statement HERE.