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Governing Board

The Laupāhoehoe Community Public Charter School (LCPCS) Governing Board is responsible for the financial, organizational and academic viability of the school. Per its contract with the State of Hawai'i Public Charter School Commission, the Board "possesses the independent authority to determine the organization and management of the school, the curriculum and the instructional methods; has the power to negotiate supplemental collective bargaining agreements with exclusive representatives of their employees and is considered the employer of school employees for purposes of chapters 76, 78 and 89; and ensures compliance with applicable laws."

  For more information about board policies, please review the governing board manual and LCPCS bylaws.

Regular Monthly Meetings:
The Governing Board holds its regular monthly meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 5:00 pm on either Zoom or in the LCPCS Media Room (previously the Band Room). A listing of the meeting schedule for School Year 2024-25 can be found under the GB 2024-2025 meeting tab. 

If you would like the zoom link to attend the regular board meeting please reach out to the governing board assistant via email at [email protected]

Other Board Committee Meetings:
Much of the work of the Board is conducted via one of its three committees: Governance, Finance, and Executive/Agenda-Planning. Meeting dates and times for these meetings can be found on the LCPCS  home page.

Agendas and other documents for governing board meetings are posted on the Meeting Documents page or via the meeting links on the LCPCS home page. 

Public Input to the Board:
If there is input or testimony you would like considered at any meeting, please email document(s) to [email protected]. 

When submitting written public testimony clearly identify the agenda item the testimony pertains to and email documents by 8 am one business day prior to the meeting.  If you need to submit public testimony after the deadline you are encouraged to appear at the meeting to present verbal testimony since it is not guaranteed that testimony submitted after the deadline can be included in the meeting 
packets.  Each individual is allotted two (2) minutes to speak, or an amount of time otherwise designated by the Chairperson.

At the Agenda Setting Committee meetings, proposals to the Board are considered and the regular  monthly board meeting agenda is set during that session. If you would like to speak to the Board, please click the "Request for Inclusion on Board Agenda" tab to the left and complete the appropriate form. 


Application for the Governing Board: 

The Governing Board of Laupāhoehoe Community Public Charter School is announcing a continuous recruitment for Governing Board appointees.

If you are interested, please submit a completed governing board-membership application packet under the Governing Board Member Application tab located to the left.