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Dec 23, 2014 - Board Mtg

Laupāhoehoe Community Public Charter School

Governing Board Meeting Agenda
click the link above for pdf of agenda

12/23/14  5:30 pm  LCPCS Band Room

APPROVED Meeting Minutes    

I. Call to Order

II. Attendance

III. Approve Agenda

IV. Public Comments on Agenda items

V. Minute Review & Approval

VI. Financial Review & Approval

November 2014 Balance Sheet
November 2014 P&L

VII. Reports

  1. Students
  2. Families
  3. Staff
  4. Faculty
  5. Community/Hui Kāko‘o Non-Profit
  6. Director
  7. Committees:

    i.    Development

    ii.   Finance

    iii. Governance

    iv.   Personnel

VIII. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

IX. Unfinished Business

1.      Reorganized By-Laws   Governance

a. By-Laws of LCPCS DRAFT 12-23-14 

2.      Strategic Plan Draft discussion & review  Paki

a. LCPCS Strategic Plan Draft 11-9-14
b. LCPCS 2015 Action Plan Draft 11-9-14
c. LCPCS Strategic Plan Final Issues & Five Year Objectives 12/23/2014

X. New Business


XI. Executive Session

A. Unfinished Business

1.       Personnel Matters

a.      School Director Goals  Paki

B. New Business 

1.      Legal Issues
2.      Personnel Matters

a.      New Hires  Paki

3.      Concerns

XII. Secretary recap & Announcements

  1. Next Board Meetings

    1. Development Committee – 1/6/15, 6:00p, Admin Conference Rm
    2. Executive Board Agenda Setting – 1/13, 5:30p, Admin Conference Rm
      1. 1/12 - Proposals DUE
      2. Budget training to follow agenda setting
    3. Personnel Committee – 1/13, 6:30p (after Exec mtg), Admin Conference Rm
    4. Finance Committee – 1/22, 5:30p, Admin Conference Rm
    5. Governance Committee – 1/22, 7:00p (after Fin Comm), Admin Conference Rm
    6. Regular Monthly Board – 1/27, 5:30p, Band Rm

    2. State Charter School Commission Meetings & Deadlines

    a. 1/9 – Immunization reports DUE

    3. Upcoming School Events

    1. 12/22-1/8/15 – No School: Winter Break, Office Closed on 12/25 & 1/1/15
    2. 1/3 -
    3. 1/6 – ‘Ohana Movie Night, 6p, Library
    4. 1/9 – No School: Teacher Work Day
    5. 1/15 – Town Hall w/Director Nahale-a, 5-6pm, Cafeteria
    6. 1/19 – No School: MLK, Jr Day, Office Closed
    7. 1/21 – HFFCU Save First! Program Deposit Day, 7:30-7:55am, MPR
    8. Varsity Boys Basketball games:
      1. 1/3 - @ Waiakea, 7pm
      2. 1/7 - @ KS Hawai’i, 6pm
      3. 1/10 - @ Pahoa, 7pm
      4. 1/13 – vs. Kea’au, 6pm
      5. 1/16 - @ Hilo, 7pm
      6. 1/21 – vs. Kohala, 7pm
      7. 1/24 - @ Honoka’a, 7pm
    9. Continuous School Improvement Team meetings, Weds, 3pm, Admin Conf Rm

4. Assignment of tasks

XIII. Adjourn